The illustrations for this board book are artistically executed, but still easy to a access for a younger toddler-aged crowd. And the letters of text are just as easy to look at as the pictures. Each train picture conveys a sense of motion and movement, and some of the pictures practically fly off the page. Since this book is short, you could read it aloud once, then invite your other children to read along with you. The illustrations are over-sized and easy to see.
Steve Light has also written a book called Trucks Go. I read this one to my son and neither of us felt the love for the truck book like we did reading the train book. Trucks Go follows a similar format with the same stylized illustrations made up of bold, chunky shapes in primary colors. But unlike the train version of the series,which I read during my story hour, the truck sounds were less distinctive, less memorable. Still, if you only have access to the Truck version of this series, I would go with it and use it anyway, though not as the main event.
My mother-in-law taught me a cute song to sing with children you are trying to herd around in a classroom setting. the song helps kids to stay in line, but could be a fun story hour movement exercise if you have room to move around in the library.
"Choo, choo the big train is coming down the track
choo, choo the big train is coming down the track
stop, look, and listen
stop, look, and listen
choo, choo the big train is coming down the track
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